Joy of Programming Software Engineering Simulator has not only announced that its reached version 1.0 of its game but also offers a 30% discount for the game on Steam.
Players build actual coding skills while solving exciting bite-sized programming challenges.

Game-based learning is one of the most effective ways to practice programming.” says computer science professor Maximilian Scherer, the game’s sole developer. The game offers a wide variety of programming challenges:
Automate logistics to quickly transport items
Stabilize robots with control feedback (PIDs)
Write navigation code for cars
Crack passwords with brute-force
Accurately control sniper rifles
Apply computer vision to guide missiles
Joy of Programming Early Access Gameplay
Professor Scherer developed this Python programming puzzle game, published by PlayWay. It involves automating and controlling realistic machines, robots, drones, and more using actual Python code.
Professor Scherer has a PhD in computer science and is a professor of business information systems at DHBW Mannheim, Germany. In his day job, he teaches programming, artificial intelligence, and machine learning and likes to integrate game-based learning techniques. A gamer at heart, Maximilian started his solo venture in 2022 to develop the kind of games he is truly passionate about: Crafty, Buildy Strategy games with a flavor of programming mechanics.
He is currently working on his second title Card Coder, a card-building roguelike where players create their own cards.
The game is available on Windows PCs via Steam.
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